The Lord's Favorite Homebrew Club

Josh Judd.

February 2019

Project Description

The Basics

Where are you from?
South Jordan, Utah

I’ve been a Lauter Day Brewers member for:
About four years

Do you have a homebrewing disaster you’d like to share?
My second batch ever I got really carried away. I decided I was going to brew a Grapefruit Sculpin clone (extract). I added the dry hop addition way too soon and when I racked it I sucked up a bunch of yeast. I drank maybe 8 bottles and dumped the rest. I gave some to a friend of mine and he shared it with his mom’s friend. The guy absolutely raved about it. I guess there is no accounting for taste…

Do you have any pets or kids named after beer styles or ingredients?
Does Irish Whiskey count? (Jameson)

Do you have a good homebrew club story you’d like to share?
Really glad I was able to travel to Homebrew Con with a bunch of the LDB members. It was nice to get to know some of you better!

If you could serve your homebrew to someone famous, who would it be and what would you give her/him?
Chris Pratt, he seems like a cool dude to hang out with.

List some of the names you’ve given your beers. Which is your favorite?
Alterior motives, Red Coat ESB, F&$# It We’ll Do It Live. Alterior Motives is my favorite. It’s the first beer I entered into competition (won second place last year at Lagerpalooza).

Brewing Experience

How long have you been homebrewing?
About five years now.

What was the first beer you ever brewed and how did it turn out?
It was a porter extract kit from Salt City. Turned out pretty good! I had an excellent teacher.

What is/are your favorite style(s) to brew?
Porters/Stouts and Saisons

What style(s) would you never brew?
Probably smoked beers because I don’t care for them.

Do you have a favorite homebrew trick or gadget that you’ve found to make your beer better/brewing easier, etc?
Recently got a Tilt hydrometer and love it!

Have you won any homebrew competition medals? If yes, what place and for what beer(s)?
Yes, second place for my alt

How I Brew

How frequently do you brew?
About once a month.

Are you an indoor or outdoor brewer?

Do you brew alone, with friends or with someone you live with?
Typically alone.

Do you have a favorite malt? If yes, what is it and why do you like it?
Not really.

Do you have a favorite malt? If yes, what is it and why do you like it?
I really like galaxy, it has a lot of great fruit characteristics.

Do you have a favorite yeast? If yes, what is it and why do you like it?
I really like Wyeast 3724 [Belgian Saison], I really like the esters that it throws.

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