The Lord's Favorite Homebrew Club

Birthday Cake.

July 2019

Project Description

My wife asked me to make her a beer that tasted like birthday cake (or yellow cake) for her birthday one year. So I make a golden ale with lactose and vanilla and served it on nitro. It tasted pretty much just like birthday cake.


Style: 18A. Blonde Ale

SRM: 4.5

ABV: 4.50%

IBU: 12

OG: 1.052

FG: 1.018

Mash Eff: 72%



Golden Promise – 70%
Flaked Oats – 10%
Golden Naked Oats – 10%
Carapils – 5%
Lactose – 5%


.25 oz Magnum (12% AA) – First Wort for 12 IBU


Safale S-04


Mash at 156°F for 60 minutes

Add the lactose at the end of the boil. Add vanilla to taste before bottling/kegging (I used 0.5oz Madagascar bourbon vanilla extract). Serve on nitro if possible.

Click Here To Access the Beersmith Recipe File

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